Thanks for popping in. Such a busy day !! So much for hanging out in the garden and honing my Lino Cutting skills! Not this week anyway!
Our SHAC SHACK daily doodling with the hot air balloon is coming along nicely, and tomorrow we’ll be adding a nice back drop. We got a great basket weave going today, didn’t we?! I nearly lost the plot there for a moment – but hey! It’s all just a bit of doodle fun – to help us all keep going during our lockdown, eh. It’s certainly giving me a purpose and a direction first thing every day! I love it!!! I hope you do, too.

So be sure to tune in at 10am on Facebook Live on the Facebook Clarity page, or catch up later on YouTube.
We’re definitely making waves as well as weaves! I got a phone call from the London Broadcasting Corporation, who wanted to interview me on live radio! LBC News! Apparently, they’ve heard about our SHAC-Shack, and wanted to find out what we’re up to. I actually had a 10 minute interview, where I was able to explain how doodling – and craft in general – is really working wonders for us. How we get together every morning at 10am for our arty doodle session, and how it is giving us a safe place to go hang out with friends and how it’s keeping us on an even keel through this awful time. They wanted an uplifting story for once, instead of constant doom and gloom – and we Clarity folk were able to give them that in spadefuls.
I was shaking like a leaf throughout the interview! But I managed to woffle my way through it. And just as I was getting warmed up – it was over!! But he said he’d like to speak to me again – so we shall see… Martin Stanford was his name. Nice man.
Then over to Medway, to take Mum and Dad their weekly shopping. We sat miles apart in the garden and had to talk very loudly to hear each other. God knows what the neighbours must have thought! Who cares, eh. And it was very fresh too! Brass monkeys! But it was great to see them after all these weeks – even if we weren’t able to have a hug and a kiss.
Then back home – lots of business calls and catch ups after the Easter weekend, and before you know it, it’s tea time – and I haven’t blogged yet!
Tomorrow we’re on HOCHANDA TV at 1pm and 5pm. I’m showcasing a set of my favourite stamps, dies, stencils and Groovi plates: The Happy Couple Collection.
You may well recognise this design. It’s the one I drew for our wedding invitations. Love this one. Has a very special place in my heart.

So tomorrow, I shall be demming it and the other 3 in the Collection, which were illustrated by lovely Mel.

There’s something for everyone – not only the lovely Dies, but also Stamps, Stencils AND Groovi plates!
There are also some great special offers on the telly tomorrow! Hope you can join us. 10am live Doodle session in the SHAC-Shack, then 1pm and 3pm over on
No time to get bored here!!
Stay safe, keep calm and craft!
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx