Hi there!
Thanks for popping in. Up with the lark this morning! It’s certainly colder now. The last of the ginkgo leaves came down this week. Our yellow carpet outside the kitchen door is glorious. Mission this morning: sort out this shitpit of a craftroom of mine, which has just gone completely to seed! One thing at a time…
The Gray Sale has gone mad again, which I’m very glad about too, because as I have told you, there’s something new and special in the Clarity pipeline again, and I love not having to borrow money to move forward. Call me old-fashioned, but all the time we can avoid investors and lenders, we should. Especially at the moment. Especially right now here in the UK. But STOP! This is a happy place. And whilst I do not cannot ignore what is going on at Westminster, there’s very little point – if any – in wasting ink and thought on it here in Clarityland.
SO. Back to the Gray Sunday Deal!
I would like to think that most of you have taken advantage of our GRAY DAY SALE by now, haven’t you? The online shop is still clicking away, but I bet there are still loads of things on your wishlist, aren’t there? I have to chuckle about your comments, “on the naughty step again”, “baked beans on toast again”, “resistance is futile” “I’m not looking!”, “Sitting on my hands” etc etc etc. So, I was thinking I’d rustle up a little something to entice you back one more time before midnight tomorrow!
Let’s give you another good reason to pop back!
On top of the 33% blanket sale, and in addition to your gold and diamond member’s discount, if you go back in to the Gray Sale and spend another £20 before Monday midnight (after all discounts), we will send you a lovely, fresh out of the oven, never been seen before, very useful not to mention seasonal Stencil. It’s fab! We are calling it Bauble Strings.

FREE 7” x 7” Stencil worth £4.99
The Free stencil won’t appear in your basket; we’ll simply add it when we dispatch your order. If you’ve already placed your order earlier in the day on SUNDAY, we’ll add to those orders too. Happy Days!
I have to tell you how this stencil was born, too. This last Thursday, I went up to London on the train to meet my dear friend Anita, and visit the Antony Gormley exhibition at the Royal Academy. Fab day away, immersed in astounding art, strolling through London arm in arm with Neet, talking the hindlegs off a donkey, before the sale kicked in. We’ve been friends since we were eleven. Went to school together. Been through lots together. Still doing it. She is a free spirit, a true creative, smart lady – and I love her.

I had been too busy to design the stencil the day before (pottery, right?!?) so I decided to draw it on the train. Not the best idea, hard to keep a steady hand flying through Kent, but this scribble is what I sent Jim! He likes a challenge, does Jim!

Then I called him and gave him a description of what I was trying to do. “Got it” he said. And an hour later, he pinged me a picture of the prototype stencil:

BINGO. When I talk about teamwork, this is PRECISELY what I’m talking about. when you’re so in tune with each other, that you can translate a scribble into a delightful stencil – and a very exact impression, too. Straight on the machines and in production. Thanks Jim.
I had a little play with it when I got home too. It is a real beaut. Tomorrow, I shall step it up for you, do a nice project for you. Use some of those alcohol inks you invested in last week! Yes. Here’s a little taster….

Come back here tomorrow and I’ll give you some pointers….but in the meantime, why not take advantage of the deal, have another looksie – and get this stencil absolutely FREE.
Love and Hugs,
Barb xxx